
Winding method of glass fiber reinforced plastic winding pipe

Winding method of glass fiber reinforced plastic winding pipe
The winding process is soaked in continuous fiber resin glue, according to certain rules of winding on the core mold, after curing and demolding to obtain products, following Xiaobian to introduce the method of winding pipe winding glass steel:
The first is drywinding, it is the use of pre impregnated prepreg yarns or belt on a winding machine by heating to soften the viscous state after winding on the core mold, it is the biggest characteristic of high production efficiency, labor hygiene conditions, high quality of products. Followed by wet winding, it is the fiber bundle after dipping, under tension control directly to the core die. Once again, it is a semi dry winding, it is the fiber after the glue, to the winding to the core of the way, add a set of drying equipment to remove the solvent in the dip yarn.

