
PVC pipe production after the completion of the follow-up work

PVC pipe production after the completion of the follow-up work
After the completion of the production of PVC pipe fittings is very important, in the pipe is produced successfully and after passing the test, mainly to do the work including marking, packaging, transportation, storage.
1, each PVC pipe fittings shall not be less than two permanent mark. Mark should at least include the following contents: product name should be marked: (PVC-C) (PVC-U) non drinking water or drinking water; size: nominal pressure, nominal diameter and wall thickness of the site; production plant; the standard number; the production date and so on, is the main parts, one should basically understand.
2, packaging: according to user requirements, according to customer requirements for different packaging, at the same time also have to consider whether the packaging of the pipe fittings with the role of protection.
3, transport tube during transportation, not exposure, stain, stress and damage; protective measures must be skilled in the transport process.
4, storage: pipe should be reasonably stacked, away from the heat source. Stacking height does not exceed 1.5m. Expanded mouth parts staggered to avoid extrusion deformation, when the open storage, must be covered to prevent exposure.

