
Method for preventing floating and hot deformation of PPR pipe fittings

Method for preventing floating and hot deformation of PPR pipe fittings
PPR pipe fittings factory direct product quality is generally guaranteed, but we are in use, but also pay attention to some problems, so as to ensure its service life and quality does not change.
In the installation of PPR pipe fittings, it is necessary to pay attention to the problem of continuous floating and thermal deformation, should be selected according to the planning requirements of the backfill material, and the right backfill and compaction. In the backfill, the trench should be removed within the debris, but also to clean up the water, not in the case of water backfill. In addition, the district should be symmetrical layered backfill, not unilateral backfill. In the use of time, we must pay attention to the unilateral side of the ban
These operations can prevent the PPR pipe fittings appear continuous floating and hot deformation phenomenon, and we in the purchase, in fact should understand these problems.
Shijiazhuang xing yin import and export trading Co.,Ltd
Address:5C,Diaoyutai palace,Jiankang Road,Changan District,shijiazhuang City

How to remove the attachment of PVC pipe fittings--Pvc fittings and pipe supplier and manufacturer - A best pvc fittings supplier and manufacturer in china

How to remove the attachment of PVC pipe fittings--Pvc fittings and pipe supplier and manufacturer - A best pvc fittings supplier and manufacturer in china


What are the specifications for welding PE pipe fittings

What are the specifications for welding PE pipe fittings
PE pipe manufacturers in the welding system, the requirements are particularly high, because if the improper construction will cause a large number of products gradually broken.
First, each welded pipe in the construction of a masonry well and concrete base to prevent the displacement of the fracture. Second, the trench bottom should be smooth, usually with a diameter of not more than 50mm without sharp stones and mixed material of sand and clay, flat bottom, gully density should be at least density reached around the landfill materials. Third, each pipe must be flat in the ditch, because the welded pipe fittings will have 1 - 3 different manual welding mouth, if the placement is not level, the bottom is not good, the stress will cause fracture.
In addition, the welding pipe fittings and the backfill on both sides of the pipeline is very important, backfill should be symmetrical, layered, each layer of about 30cm, according to the requirements of compaction, in order to prevent displacement, layer by layer compaction.
Shijiazhuang xing yin import and export trading Co.,Ltd
Address:5C,Diaoyutai palace,Jiankang Road,Changan District,shijiazhuang City

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PPR pipe fittings whether or not simple discrimination

PPR pipe fittings whether or not simple discrimination
A coin can be used to distinguish the good and bad, the following on the PPR pipe manufacturers to introduce. PPR pipe, also known as type three polypropylene pipe, that is, hot and cold water pipes, is essential for the public home improvement. The current market on the real PPR pipe fittings imported from abroad, the price is higher, a ton of about 12 thousand. PPR pipe has the characteristics of light weight, corrosion resistance, non scaling, long service life and so on. In order to reduce costs, some businesses produce PPR pipe, only 800 yuan per meal to participate in calcium carbonate. This product is easy to deformation, explosive tube, short life.
How to distinguish between true and false PPR fittings? Trick One: select the same two long PPR pipe fittings point to investigate the remains after incineration. The more pure the residue, the more impurities. Trick two: after 2004, a dollar coin, standard component is 6 grams." Take a one dollar coins on the side, then the PPR pipe intercepted a small piece, weighing on the electronic weighing, and ultimately ensure that the test is 60 grams of PPR pipe, that is, the amount of coins of 10 times. Then, cut a small hole in the PPR tube and clip the coin. Put the coins in the PPR pipe in the water, PPR pipe floating in the water. "This PPR pipe is true." If the PPR pipe submerged in the water, then the PPR tube must be mixed with impurities such as calcium carbonate. Principle: the proportion of water is 1, the proportion of authentic PPR pipe between 0.90~0.91, will not sink into the water. The proportion of calcium carbonate is more than 2.7, once incorporated into the PPR tube material, will increase the proportion of. They experimented many times, and the weight ratio of PPR fittings and coins was 10:1. On the water, authentic PPR tube will not sink.
Shijiazhuang xing yin import and export trading Co.,Ltd
Address:5C,Diaoyutai palace,Jiankang Road,Changan District,shijiazhuang City

Method for preventing floating and hot deformation of PPR pipe fittings--Pvc fittings and pipe supplier and manufacturer - A best pvc fittings supplier and manufacturer in china

Method for preventing floating and hot deformation of PPR pipe fittings--Pvc fittings and pipe supplier and manufacturer - A best pvc fittings supplier and manufacturer in china


Method for preventing floating and hot deformation of PPR pipe fittings

Method for preventing floating and hot deformation of PPR pipe fittings
PPR pipe fittings factory direct product quality is generally guaranteed, but we are in use, but also pay attention to some problems, so as to ensure its service life and quality does not change.
In the installation of PPR pipe fittings, it is necessary to pay attention to the problem of continuous floating and thermal deformation, should be selected according to the planning requirements of the backfill material, and the right backfill and compaction. In the backfill, the trench should be removed within the debris, but also to clean up the water, not in the case of water backfill. In addition, the district should be symmetrical layered backfill, not unilateral backfill. In the use of time, we must pay attention to the unilateral side of the ban
These operations can prevent the PPR pipe fittings appear continuous floating and hot deformation phenomenon, and we in the purchase, in fact should understand these problems.
Shijiazhuang xing yin import and export trading Co.,Ltd
Address:5C,Diaoyutai palace,Jiankang Road,Changan District,shijiazhuang City

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NEWS--Pvc fittings and pipe supplier and manufacturer - A best pvc fittings supplier and manufacturer in china


Characteristics of plastic equipment for PVC water supply and drainage pipe

Characteristics of plastic equipment for PVC water supply and drainage pipe
Plastic pipe equipment unique structure, high degree of automation, easy to operate, stable and reliable continuous production. The pipe produced by the plastic pipe equipment has the advantages of moderate rigidity, strength, good flexibility, creep resistance, environmental stress cracking resistance and good thermal fusion performance.
The plastic pipe equipment is composed of control system, extruder, head, cooling system, tractor, planet cutting device and material feeding frame. Each pipe production line has two extruders, one of the main extruder using a powerful conveyor liner and efficient screw, and a smaller extruder for extrusion line.
Characteristics of PVC water supply and drainage equipment:
1, PVC water supply pipe equipment good quality and long service life.
2, PVC water supply and drainage pipe equipment is easy to operate, without professional training can operate.
3, PVC water supply and drainage equipment for the physical and mechanical properties of strong, suitable for transport.
Shijiazhuang xing yin import and export trading Co.,Ltd
Address:5C,Diaoyutai palace,Jiankang Road,Changan District,shijiazhuang City

Welding time of PVC pipe fittings--Pvc fittings and pipe supplier and manufacturer - A best pvc fittings supplier and manufacturer in china

Welding time of PVC pipe fittings--Pvc fittings and pipe supplier and manufacturer - A best pvc fittings supplier and manufacturer in china


Introduction to the deformation of PPR parts

Introduction to the deformation of PPR parts
The deformation of PPR pipe is a pipe size changes when ambient temperature changes, the general material has the natural attribute of expansion and contraction.
Select the PPR pipe by welding process, mechanical properties and comprehensive properties of materials, enhances the heat and strong cold deformation performance, thereby reducing the thermal expansion and contraction phenomenon. Linear expansion coefficient of length variation of thermal deformation of pipe fittings. Because of the low temperature in winter, the PPR pipe of home improvement is easy to accept the low temperature, so the welding process is generally used to reduce the thermal deformation of the pipe material. The ability of the material to resist the external force is called bending, tensile, anti - compression and other strength. The mechanical properties of PPR pipe, mainly refers to the nature of the pipe under the load, the ability to resist the destruction and deformation of high and low temperature.
Shijiazhuang xing yin import and export trading Co.,Ltd
Address:5C,Diaoyutai palace,Jiankang Road,Changan District,shijiazhuang City

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Three factors affecting PE pipe fittings and PVC pipe fittings--Pvc fittings and pipe supplier and manufacturer - A best pvc fittings supplier and manufacturer in china


Problems existing in PPR pipe arrangement

Problems existing in PPR pipe arrangement
Many consumers found that their home installed PPR pipe problems, which affect the use of water pipes. So, PPR water pipe construction layout of the common problems?
Water pipe joint, the pipe looks very normal, in fact, there is a big problem. This toilet is changed by the water hot and cold water, add a lot of water in the joint, is bound to stay hidden for the day after Water Leakage so has the following requirements in the construction of PPR pipe layout:
First, buried in the wall of the pipeline can not have joint; second, the pipeline must be smooth after treatment by the waterproof groove arc;
Third, the fixed point should use special clamp.
PPR pipe and the top surface is not fixed, PPR water pipe in the top surface must be fixed, in accordance with the regulations, should be separated by a fixed point of 50 cm. Second, the bulb is too close to the risk of being baked. In addition, the construction should ensure that the closure of the upper reaches of the household toilet water acceptance;
The hot water pipe and wire pipe not tightly connected, except water wiring buried in a wall part has no fixed interface, using special clamp, hot water pipe and wire pipe tightly together, easy deformation caused by short circuit;
Normal use, the electric wire pipe and hot water pipe have heat release, so the two kinds of pipes should keep a certain distance, so as not to heat deformation of the pipeline, resulting in short circuit.
When laying water pipes must be horizontal and vertical, because the laying of water pipes are not standardized, did not do a horizontal flat vertical, the results of the follow-up workers to operate the water pipe leak accidentally;
The laying of water pipelines must be horizontal and vertical, let the following workers can master the pipeline trend in the construction, avoid wearing. In addition, there is no need to check the ground line is prohibited in the drilling "mark before the construction of underground pipelines, so as not to break. In addition, the construction should pay attention to the water inside the tube, once the break can be found in a timely manner; if the completion of the opening of the main valve was found to be leaking pipe, resulting in greater losses.
After installation shall test the water pressure test, pressure test, the main health plug leakage occurred Water Leakage phenomenon; according to the regulations, after the water pipe laying, must pass through the pressure test, the test is not Water Leakage to normal use. Hit 8 - 12KG of air pressure, air pressure to maintain at least half an hour before being qualified.
Shijiazhuang xing yin import and export trading Co.,Ltd
Address:5C,Diaoyutai palace,Jiankang Road,Changan District,shijiazhuang City

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What are the characteristics of pipe joints?--Pvc fittings and pipe supplier and manufacturer - A best pvc fittings supplier and manufacturer in china

What are the requirements for PPR pipe welding quality?

What are the requirements for PPR pipe welding quality?
First, we must choose the quality of qualified hot melt welding machine.
The temperature control to correct. PP-R hot melt welding temperature: 253 -274. If the temperature is below 253 DEG C, the fitting and the pipe is only a thin surface layer of the melt, once between them for welding, the welding strength is not guaranteed, this is what we usually call the phenomenon of false welding; on the contrary, if the temperature is above 274 DEG C, molecule on the surface of pipe and pipe fitting was high the destruction of the PP-R formation of thin liquid, the connection will make the pipe diameter smaller PVC pipe manufacturers to remind the more important is that connection will occur brittle fracture, especially in the pipeline system completed after water pressure, often happen in this kind of problem.
The temperature will take a long time. The length of constant temperature is one of the important signs of the performance of hot melt welding equipment. Hot melt equipment, there is still a problem in energy consumption of heating to the set temperature, especially in winter, the air outlet, even in the non working gap, the heat consumption is great, and once during the operation, the pipes and fittings are respectively heat energy consumption, which requires a strong heat storage equipment ability and replenish ability.
Two, must choose qualified and suitable welding sleeve.
In the design, the qualified welding sleeve is fully considered the transverse structure and depth of welding, and the surface is not sticky and surface finish. At present, the domestic production of hot melt welding PP-R, PPC, PE and other manufacturers have hundreds of water pipes. Because of the various manufacturers of raw materials used in the production of pipe, different additives, different environmental conditions, different equipment, making the production of the pipe and pipe sizes are not the same. Therefore, the manufacturers and users of various pipe manufacturers must choose the suitable welding sleeve for the diameter of the pipe. For operators, after the final welding should be necessary to clean the surface of the welding sleeve, so as to avoid the welding part of impurities.
For more than 40mm diameter pipe welding, due to the larger caliber, non personal strength can work, must use mechanical equipment to ensure that the pipe into the pipe depth and straightness. We found that in many sites with five to six workers on a 110mm caliber welding interface, cost tremendous effort can not guarantee the pipe straightness and the insertion depth, the entire pipeline winding, it is difficult to imagine in a certain temperature and pressure condition.
Three, hot melt welding prone to problems.
It should be said that in strict accordance with the welding process and welding technology requirements of the construction operation of the pipeline system, the use of normal temperature and pressure will not have any problems. But in our daily construction is often found in burst phenomenon or will trachoma in connection pipe and pipe fitting.
The main reasons are as follows:
The temperature of hot melt welder is not correct, too high or too low, the change of the properties of polypropylene;
The welding surface does not handle well, shedding or surface coating and the pipe part makes contact hole;
The welding set the wrong size, design right, the melting depth and weld pipe connecting structure is not appropriate;
The welding of pipe before welding surface cleaning;
The welding pipe and pipe fittings not maintain concentric or straight line.
Four, the correct welding procedure.
The hot melt weld preparations
The 25-110mm diameter pipe to the pipe chamfering device port half chamfer angle of 15 DEG to the original pipe wall thickness;
Clean the surface of the welding part of the pipe with a cleaner (or alcohol) and a brush;
When the pre assembled parts are welded, the connection is made on the position of the pipe and pipe fitting.
The 40mm caliber above must use the plane and vertical pipe welding welding machine;
Every time the dissolved, should use dry cloth or paper to wipe the heating cover and the heating head, do not use cleaning agents.
The hot melt connection and
After the pipe and the pipe are respectively inserted into the heating sleeve and the heating head, do not rotate or move too fast.
After heating, remove the pipe and fittings from the heating element.
Immediately after heating pipe and fittings along the axis pressure, do not rotate. Strictly adhere to the hot melt welding standard holding time and cooling time.
Shijiazhuang xing yin import and export trading Co.,Ltd
Address:5C,Diaoyutai palace,Jiankang Road,Changan District,shijiazhuang City

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Simple introduction of knowledge of aluminum-plastic composite pipe

Simple introduction of knowledge of aluminum-plastic composite pipe
Aluminum plastic composite pipe is the first alternative water supply pipe cast iron pipe, PPR pipe fittings manufacturers will be to introduce to our knowledge about plastic composite pipe today:
First of all, aluminum-plastic composite pipe has better thermal insulation, outer wall corrosion is not easy, because the inner wall smooth, fluid resistance is small; and because can be bent, so to facilitate the installation of construction. Then, the basic structure of aluminum-plastic composite pipe should be five layers, from the inside out followed by plastic, hot melt adhesive, hot melt adhesive, plastic, Aluminum Alloy. In addition, aluminum-plastic composite pipe is widely used in toothpaste, shoe polish, jam, paint, adhesive, food, milk, jam, flavoring agent, cosmetics, adhesives, paint and polish, Hair Coloring agent products packaging industry.
The above is for aluminum-plastic composite pipe introduced the relevant knowledge, I believe we must have learned from.
Shijiazhuang xing yin import and export trading Co.,Ltd
Address:5C,Diaoyutai palace,Jiankang Road,Changan District,shijiazhuang City


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Methods and characteristics of PVC pipe fittings--Pvc fittings and pipe supplier and manufacturer - A best pvc fittings supplier and manufacturer in china